Since the first industrial revolution, Silesia was an important and highly contested territory among the central empires. His wealth of raw materials and deposits of coal could shift the balance of power.

    Much time has passed since that period. Today Silesia, a Polish voivodeship, is a region with an uncertain future. Heavy industry has been in decline for decades, coal deposits are running out, unemployment is rampant.

    Citizens are still heavily dependent on the coal supply chain and strongly reluctant to convert to more sustainable energy supplies.

    During the winter, Silesia records a concentration of dust under the air.


    Rome, indistinct suburbia.

    While the offer grows, the demand decreases. The economic crisis led to decay but it sometimes acted as an incentive for massive speculation.

    This is the case for the real estate area. Huge inhabited residential areas rose around the city, often built by the same constructors, with identical architectures.

    This work investigate this process, exploring through the silence of a night vision, the enlargement of the city and the impact on the sociological dimension of living.

    Only a small window, with its lights on, stands out in the concrete monstrosity of none.

    This body of work has been selected and shown at Macro Testaccio during the Festival Oltre le Mura.

    Mindoro Island, southwest of Luzon, Philippines.

    The ethnic group of Mangyans still resides in the territory preserving its ancient indigenous practices, despite the pressures and influences of modernity.

    After the end of the colonialism, this ethnic minority has moved inland from the coastal region, where natives now live thanks to agriculture and little else, refusing to accept the tempting offer of urbanization. This series is the result of the will to investigate the close relationship that exists between this community and the womb that nourishes it.

    The portraits were photographed recovering the ancient analogue of the double exposure, leading to increasingly unpredictable.

    First a film roll 135 (Neopan Fuji Acros 100) was taken with the faces of the natives. Subsequently, the film was rewound and repositioned in the chamber to proceed to impress on the same frame the second exposure.

    The faces of the people are confused and overlapping with the territory. The result is a metaphysical vision in which the boundaries almost disappear to make room for a global view.

    What emerges is a telluric symposium and concrete, the purity pact that binds the natives with their mother land.

    This work won First Price

    The Philippines is nowadays one of the most Catholic countries in the world. Heritage of the Spanish cultural domination, Catholicism is deeply rooted in Filipino society. This is easily demonstrated by the strong support during any religious celebration such as Easter or the Black Nazarene procession. During the visite of the Pope Francis, in 2015, 7 millions Filipinos gathered in Luneta Park (Manila) to take part of the celebration.

    However, this project does not want to probe the spirituality of the Filipinos through its external manifestations. It would rather want to investigate it though the private space, creeping inside buildings, allowing an intimate look while sampling the many different social status in order to grasp the profound relationship between families, homes and religiosity.

    The discovery is quite bizarre. Every family, in any shape, size and reproduction, owns a representation of the 'The Last Supper’. It is normally placed over the dining table which stingily emphasizes the sacredness of sharing a meal. In a country with enormous economic weakness, the simple act of sitting at the table to share the meal represents a moment of core significance, a real encounter between religious and secular spiritualities.

    What results is a study that highlights various aspects of Filipino society, as the sense of taste and decoration, the differences between the various social classes and especially the great religiosity of this people.

    This work has been featered on Internazionale, Polka Magazine and Newsweek Japan.

    Rome is not a city for cyclists.

    The comparison with the best known European capitals is merciless. Only a few kilometers of cycle paths allow the few Roman cyclists to travel safely.

    However, there is a cycle path that cuts the city in two, like a bisector. Starting from the GRA, it runs along the banks of the Tiber river, passing through the historic center and reaching the other side of the capital.

    A journey that few citizens know entirely, the Tiber Cycling Lane allows an overview of the Eternal City. From periphery to periphery, passing through the extreme center.

    Abandonment and neglect merge with the omnipresent glorious past, creating a particular painting, populated by its peculiar flora and fauna.

    The initial feeling of irritation soon turns into a warm sensation.

    Indeed, this is a love story.

    This work has been published on CNN Photos and shown in Fotoleggendo.

    From the mid of XIX century, important migration fluxes departed from Italy directed to different areas of the world in order to find possibilities and a better situation. One of the areas where Italian people went for most was Crimea, part of the Russian Empire.  It is estimated that at the end of XIX century Italians consisted of 5% of the population of the Crimean Peninsula. They were merchants, architects, ship owners, commanders and peasantries. With the collapse of the Russian Empire and the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, Italians as well as other minorities started to be mistreated. Initially their land were confiscated in order to create collective farms. Thus, a part of them came back to Italy, dropping the total down to 2%. However, the tragedy came with the advent of Stalin as leader of USSR. Italians were forced to abandon their houses, permitted only to take few things among their goods. Accused to be spies at service of fascism, they were all deported from Crimea to Siberian and Kazakhstan labor camps. With the death of Stalin, some of Italian deportees came back to Crimea while others kept their position in the wastelands of Kazakhstan. Terrified by the possibility of new persecutions, most of them hide their heritage, stopped speaking italian and eventually changed their documents. They became Russian. Nowadays, in the area of the narrow of Kerch live about 150 families with Italian origins. Some of them are still in hungry with Italian institutions due to the lack of protection during the deportation and the recognition after the fall of USSR, while others claim with force their heritage, struggling to obtain Italian citizenship.

    This work has been realized together with Karl Mancini. It won second price in Sestri Levante Porfolio Italia and has been shown in Portfolio Italia Finals in Bibbiena. It was published on Venerdi di Repubblica.


    During the fifty years of communist dictatorship in Albania  the Adriatic coasts were dotted with agave plantations in order to prevent a hypothetical attack by paratroopers while along all the territory started the constructions of bunkers made off concrete and steel. It is estimated there have been built about 750,000. Twenty years after the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the communist dictatorship , Albania is still characterized by the massive presence of his bunkers. Nevertheless, the bunkers have suffered a different fate : most of these have been destroyed with the dual purpose of removing the dramatic and embarrassing past together with the extraction of the precious metal used to build them. Some were decorated to defuse the coexistence , others became landfill while others are simply forgotten . However a part of these bunkers have been reconverted by the population for different purposes. They became bars, restaurants, shops, stables, a tattoo studio and even a church in honor of the fallen during the dictatorship. These bunkers alternate with those who persist in everyday life of the population, creating a shadow of the past that is inexorably slowly dissolving.

    This work has been realized together with Karl Mancini and have been published on Newsweek Japan.